Limitations of Native Inequality Operators

For values that cannot be represented as an integer or float accurately, using the native inequality operators will result in erroneous results. In some cases, this might also result in underflow and overflow of the native types.

Because of this, all comparisons, including equality comparisons which would normally be == or === in PHP, should be performed using the comparison methods provided on all objects which extend the Number abstract class.

Complex Number Limitations

The ComplexNumber abstract class, and all of its child classes, only implement the isEqual() method. This is because inequality is poorly defined for complex numbers. There is no sensible and consistent way to evaluate the statement (2+2i) >= (1+1i), even though one might expect this to return true.

The issue is that the inequality methods must return a boolean, and even in the cases where it might be argued that either the true case or false case is well-defined, the opposite case is always ambiguous under any definition of inequality for complex numbers.

This makes the return values of such statements meaningless in the context of complex numbers.

You Might Not Expect

The isEqual() method on the ComplexNumber class and all of its children checks first whether or not the compared value is also a complex number. This means that the following comparison will return false, even though one might expect it to return true:

2+0i == 2

This ambiguity is unlikely to occur in normal usage of the Fermat library, since all math operations which can lead to a zero value for either the real part or the imaginary part will return an instance of ImmutableDecimal instead. The only way to see this behavior is to manually instantiate a complex number with a zero value for one of its parts.


There are two types of equality that can be compared using this library: equality of value, and equality of representation. In virtually all cases equality of value is what is intended, and this is accomplished with the isEqual() method.

Equality of representation is accomplished with the equals() method, and only returns true if the value being compared has the same value and is an instance of the same class.

isEqual(mixed $value)

Any $value which is a valid input for Numbers::makeOrDont() can be provided here. Returns true if the values are the same, false otherwise.

Scale Only Affects the Result for Significant Figures

Two objects with different scale settings will only return false if one of them has significant figures beyond the scale limit of the other.

For instance, Numbers::makeOne(5) and Numbers::makeOne(10) will return true when compared using this method, even though internally they would be represented by 1.00000 and 1.0000000000.

equals(object $value)

Returns true if the $value is an instance of the same class and it has the same value, false otherwise.

Implemented As Part of the Hashable Interface

As part of integration with the ext-ds extension, this method has been implemented to satisfy the Hashable interface. This is mainly so that objects which are instances of the Number abstract class can be used as array keys.


These methods are only available on numbers that implement the SimpleNumberInterface. They are safe to use between different types of classes that implement the SimpleNumberInterface, and will perform the necessary conversions to return an answer.

isGreaterThan(mixed $value); isLessThan(mixed $value)
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(mixed $value)
isLessThanOrEqualTo(mixed $value)

Any $value which is a valid input for Numbers::makeOrDont() can be provided to these methods. They are analogous to the corresponding comparison operators in PHP, but are safe to use with the arbitrary scale values found in this library.

Sorting Comparison <=>

The spaceship operator <=>, which returns 1, 0, or -1 to provide sorting order information, would result in many of the same issues described for the isEqual() method. This is handled internally by the BCMath extension.

compare(mixed $value)

Any $value which is a valid input for Numbers::makeOrDont() can be provided to this method. Returns 1 if the current object is greater than $value, 0 if they are equal, and -1 if the current object is less than $value.

Internally Referenced By Other Comparisons

All other comparison methods reference this method. This ensures that any return values of all possible comparison methods will remain consistent with each other no matter what implementation of compare() is used.

The only exception is ComplexNumber, which implements isEqual() but not compare().