Fractions represent numbers which have a rational representation. They can be equivalent to either a float or an integer, and their $scale setting is determined by the scale setting of the Decimal instances that make up their numerator and denominator.

Abstract Class: Fraction

The following interfaces and traits are available on classes which extend Fraction




The Hashable interface is part of ext-ds, and implementing it enables a class to be used as an array key in the various types provided by ext-ds.



BaseConversionInterface enables two methods: convertToBase() and getBase(), which do exactly what someone would expect them to.

Base Conversion is Done Just-In-Time

Internally, the values of objects which implement the BaseConversionInterface always store the number in base-10, since this is the only base that arithmetic can actually be performed in by any of the associated extensions.

Base conversion happens when a call is made to getValue(). Even on objects which have a base other than base-10, this can be avoided by calls to getAsBaseTenNumber() and getAsBaseTenRealNumber().



NumberInterface contains the base arithmetic methods that are a component of all numbers in mathematics. This includes the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as pow and square root.

It also provides the isEqual() method, to enable equality comparison, as well as getScale(). Some classes which implement the NumberInterface don't actually accept scale as an argument, but instead contain objects that do. Fraction is an example of such a class, as both its numerator and denominator are instances of ImmutableDecimal.

In addition, the is and as methods for Real, Imaginary, and Complex are provided by this interface.



The SimpleNumberInterface extends NumberInterface and adds the methods that are common to all non-complex numbers. This includes things like being positive or negative, inequality comparison, and getting the value as a base-10 real number.


SimpleNumberInterface which extends NumberInterface

The FractionInterface extends SimpleNumberInterface and adds the methods that are common to all fraction values. This includes simplify(), accessors for the numerator and denominator, and the asDecimal() method that returns the Fraction as an instance of DecimalInterface.

ImmutableDecimals Are Returned From asDecimal()

While the interface only defines the DecimalInterface as a return value, the concrete classes returned by all included implementations are instances of ImmutableDecimal.

While some other functions can be done on fractions in pure mathematics, such as trigonometry functions, in practice computers are not well-equipped to handle the algorithms for them without actually performing the division implied by the fraction. Thus, to use these types of functions an explicit call to asDecimal() must first be made on classes that implement Fraction.

See Also

The page for Types & Values > Decimals contains more information on the usage of Decimal values.



  • ArithmeticScaleTrait
  • ArithmeticNativeTrait
  • ArithmeticSelectionTrat
SimpleNumberInterface (partially)

The ArithmeticSimpleTrait provides the implementations for all arithmetic functions that exist on values that implement the SimpleNumberInterface. The additional imported traits within this trait provide the various calculation modes that are used internally depending on the mode of object executing the method call.

Accepts Complex Numbers as Arguments

While the ArithmeticSimpleTrait can accept implementations of ComplexNumber as arguments, it cannot be used in implementations of ComplexNumber.

See Also

More detailed information on this trait is available on the Arithmetic > Simple Numbers page.


SimpleNumberInterface (partially)

The ComparisonTrait provides the implementations of all comparison methods for any class which implements the SimpleNumberInterface.

Abstract Methods

The following abstract methods must be implemented on classes which extend Fraction

abstract protected function setValue(ImmutableDecimal $numerator, ImmutableDecimal $denominator)

The new numerator value, given as an instance of ImmutableDecimal
The new denominator value, given as an instance of ImmutableDecimal
An instance of the current class with the given arguments set as properties

This method controls the behavior of setting the $value property, and its different implementations represent the main difference between mutable and immutable versions. For classes that extend Fraction, the arguments are limited to the concrete class ImmutableDecimal.

Available Value Objects

The following implementations of Fraction are included with Fermat. These classes may be provided for any argument which accepts a FractionInterface as a value.


A number which can be represented as a fraction. This value is immutable, and all methods called on instances of the class will return a new instance of the same class while leaving the existing instance at its original value.


A number which can be represented as a fraction. This value is mutable, and all methods called on instances of the class will return the same instance after modification, while the previous value will be lost.